Since daddy never wrote any information on the photographs I don't know who any of these men are (with the recent exception of Otto Moonen), what nationality they are, and if the photographs were taken in Europe during WWII or in the Dutch East Indies, but to me the most important thing is that they are soldiers - the Faces of War.
If you want to see a larger photo just put your mouse over each photo (except Sgt. Moonen) and click.
My daddy had this photo but like the others no name on it. The picture was stained brown and curved as if it was carried in a wallet in a back pocket. Thanks to Mr. Marinus (Mac) Traas and his loaning me de Stoot I have found out the name that goes with the face - Otto Moonen, platoon commander. He was killed in action May 22, 1946 by a mortar granate during a patrol South East of Semarang (Sambiroto).