Once again I have been blessed with having someone help me to learn more about my daddy. I sent an email to the Central Archive for staff files of the Emma mine asking if they would possibly have any information about daddy and received a wonderful email at Easter - one of the very best Easter presents I have ever received - from Mr. Harry Strijkers. Mr. Strijkers not only typed out the following information in Dutch that was in their files but also emailed two photographs of my daddy, the one on this page was the 'coloured' one and the other is in black and white. I owe Mr. Strijkers a debt of gratitute that I don't think I'll ever be able to repay.
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Josef Maria van Duinhoven
Slakkenstraat 59 Hoensbroek
- 7 jaar lager onderwijs
Voor dienstperiode bij de Staatsmijnen (ciract 1933-1935) gewerkt als melkman bij Derriks in Hoensbroek
In dienst: 14-8-1935 bij de Staatsmijnen Emma in Hoensbroek:
J.M. van Duinhoven had een goede beoordeling
Van 1-1-1946 tot 10 mei 1948 als vrijwilliger (soldaat) naar Nederlands-Oost-Indie gegaan, teruggekeerd als korporaal (bleef in die periode in dienst van de Staatsmijnen). Ontslag bij de Staatsmijnen wegens emigratie naar Canada op 1 juli 1948. |
I asked Paul Patist if he would have the time to translate the information for me and so for those like me that are strictly English here's the information in English.
-7 years elementary education.
-Cutters (carvers) diploma obtained on May 10 1943 (practice good-theory sufficient)
Before service with the Statemines (ca. 1933-1935) worked as a milkman at Derriks in Hoensbroek.
In service: 14-8-1935 with the State mine Emma in Hoensbroek.
-Readboy (Apprentice) (1935-1938)
-Assistant hauler (1938)
-Hauler (1938-1946)
-Cutter (1946-1948)
-Foreman stonework (from May 10 till July 1 1948)
J.M. van Duinhoven had a GOOD assessment.
From 1-1-1946 till May 10 1948 went as a volunteer (soldier) to Netherlands East indies, returned as corporal (stayed in service with the State mines during that period).
Resigned from the State mines on July 1 1948 due to emigration to Canada.
Daddy had brought all his mining records with him when he came to Canada and ended up leaving them at a coal mine in Quebec, which closed down many years ago. The biggest lost was his diploma because back them there were no copies made of diploma. I understand why daddy left it behind, he did NOT want to work in a coal mine ever again and didn't want to even remember that time, so when he was told there were no jobs available leaving those documents there broke the last major tie to WWII and his mom's death. It is a real loss but if that is what it took to give daddy some peace in his heart and mind than I'm glad he did it.