Once my daddy's area of the Netherlands was liberated by American troops he enlisted in the Army. I only have a few pages of the photocopies of his enlistment papers scanned and translated so I will put those online now and add the others at a later date.

My friend, who translated the documents for me, was unsure of what some of the words were and therefore put a question mark (?) so if anyone can tell what the information should be please don't hesitate to let me know. If you want to see a larger, more readable, copy of the documents just click on the one you want and a larger copy will open in a new window.

Model nr 86
Ad art 85 § 1

Control number: 200126002/II
Serving with:Regiment Stoottroepen

For genuinety
13th November 1945

Control list concerning: Van Duinhoven
Category: Volunteer Joseph Maria (they spelled daddy's first name wrong)
Rank: Corporal
Draft 1940

Medical Fitness:1
Particular function: deputy group commander
Soldier Book No. 214

(In the Dutch army normally a sergeant is group commander ( a group being approx. 10 soldiers, 3 to 4 groups forming a platoon), and a corporal often acts as deputy group commander.)

Remarks from the genealogical register No. 26-1-10

Father: Antonius
Mother: Fontaine
Born in:Hoensbroek (Ned.)
on 26th January 1920
Height: 1 metre 650 millimters
Noticeable Signs: None
Civilian status: not married

Further remarks:
Relgion: Roman Catholic
Job: Mineworker
School education: Lower Education, so only collect the education that follows after pre-school
Size of: overcoat trousers field jacket helm shoes gasmask
In case of illness or being killed the following person is to be informed:
A.v. Duinhoven
Personal Home address:Slakkenstraat 59 Hoensbroek
Punishment list:none

Served with Regiment Stoottroepen
As volunteer on basis or terms of normal conscript
Conscript on this day in reality serving from: 1-1-45
Signed up as volunteer for duration: 5-8-45
Leaving Liverpool with DEI as destination: 12-10-45
Passing the Tropical Point on the way to NEI: 20-10-45
Soldier 1st Class: 1-1-46
Corporal: 1-10-46
Disembarking in Port Dickson in Malacca on:13-11-45
Embarking on: 8-3-46
Disembarking in Semarang on Java: 13-3-46
Leaving Batavia on: 24-1-48
Passing the Tropical Point: 5-2-48
Arriving in the Netherlands: 18-2-48
Stationed with R.S. 14-2-48 on base of writing
Afd. A5 No. 48/12012 M

Line of Service:
Relieved from his service as War Volunteer 10-3-48 on this day discharged as such

This person is as conscript put into service with as ND transferred to RS 10-3-48


Monday the 1-1-45 in duty by the 3-III RS
(since 16-10-44 part of
Regiment Limburg Stoottroepen N.B.S.)in reality.
15-9-45 transferred to 3-1ST R.S.

Leaving the Netherlands on passage
to Dutch East India stationed in
East Hansteadt Wokingham in England
on 29th September 1945.

Arrived and stationed in Port Dickson
29th September 1945.
Leaving for Semarang, Java 8-3-46
Arrived and stationed here on 13-3-46
18-3-46 transferred to 4-I-R.S.
Transferred to the Support Company I-R.S. on 6-6-47
Leaving Batavia 24-1-48
1st R.S. start its own administration on 13-10-45
Leaving Batavia on 24-1-48
Tropic point passed 5-2-48
Arrived in Rotterdam 18-2-48

The following expenses are not covered
Leave 14 days from 7-5-47
Returning on 20th May 1947
Authorized to wear the
Commemmorative War Cross with the band
Land 1940-44 by Commander I-R.S.
No. 014 on 30-11-47

On debarkation SS Zuiderkruis on 18-2-48

Premium Fl 100,-
Clothing money Fl 70.-
Certificate of honour plus insignia given on 12-3-48
28 months duty??? Fll 280,-
With 4 weeks debarkation leave 19-2-48
Paid on 17-3-48

1225 Soldier 1st class 14-1-46
/2by-1235 transferred to 4-I R.S. 16-3-46
J44g Corporal 1-10-46
25886 transferred to 5-I R.S. 6-6-47
H.?.H. 24-1-48
10425 Zuiderkruis 5-2-48
R.S. 10-2-48

Concerning consrciption for the year 1940 In the area Hoensbroek.

NBS stands for Nederland Binnenlandsche Strijdkrachten (Nederland Interior Forces)