On this page I have put links to many different homepages, some are related to WWII, others to Vietnam vets because what they went through in Nam isn't much different than what my daddy and the Stoottroepers faced in the Dutch East Indies - jungle warfare, and others are ones that I believe are important and of interest.

As far as I am concerned NO Veteran should ever come home from a war to be ridiculed by the people of his own country for having gone to fight and/or for what they had to do to survive during that war.

It's so easy for people that didn't go to put a soldier down for doing what he had to do to survive because they (I'm not a veteran so I am speaking as someone who's closest experience to war is through my daddy from WWII and Indonesia, veterans and from television) aren't the ones being faced with horrible, heartbreaking choices, they aren't the ones that have to be scared to talk to a child because that child may be hiding a grenade or a knife very willing and ready to kill the 'enemy soldier', they don't have to be always be looking over their shoulder never being sure who is the enemy and who is the ally. It's so easy to condemn from our nice safe homes, especially when we aren't the ones that have to carry the memories of all the atrocities of war and having been trained or learned in the field to be ready to kill at a second's notice, without thought, without hesitation, without restraint and forced to live like that for months and/or years then in one day find themselves back "in the world" and suddenly be expected to completely change their behaviour from before, to become "civilized", forget all their training, their instincts, the way they were forced to lived, and to do it IMMEDIATELY. I couldn't do it, could you?

There is nothing wrong with condemning a government for sending men off to war to die in a war they need not be involved in (WWI and WWII were different because who won those wars would change the WHOLE world, not just a country), or becoming involved and taking sides in a war that really is none of that country's business but it is NEVER EVER RIGHT TO CONDEMN THE SOLDIER WHO WAS SENT TO FIGHT IN THAT WAR, these men and women go because they are told to by their country, by the their government, they are following the orders they take so deeply to heart - TO SERVE AND PROTECT - and for that they should be praised for be willing to sacrifice the most precious thing a person has, their life, for their country and it's people. That takes an inner strength that most of have just don't have, and that I pray to God I, my husband or my son never have to have, and I will always praise them for doing what they have so that I wouldn't have to.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch #4 Home Page

Kwikbal's Homepage (Dutch)

Documentatiegroep '40-'45 Nederland has link to English

Checkpoint 2000 Dutch Veterans magazine

Herdenking Geallieerde Oorlogsslachtoffers WO II Commemoration of the Allied Victims of WW II

The Tiger Brigade by Tom Andersen

3e Bataljon 5e Regiment Infanterie '7 december divisie' X-Brigade Oost - Java van 1946 -1949

Barry's Military Web

Carla's Page -In Memory of My Dad

Liberation Children of the Netherlands - links to different country sites

104 Field Battery Royal Australian Artillery 104 MEDIUM BATTERY RAA, Vietnam

WWII Memoirs - 3rd Infantry Division

HELL ON WHEELS, US 2nd Armored Division

A Tribute to My Father Taylor H. Maloney

Tour of Duty In Vietnam by the man that served

Jim Finnegan - Saigon Warrior an autobiographical website including information and videos and where to get his book.

Dad's CBI Page China, Burma, India theatre of WWII

The story of one Kiwi soldier - Ian McNeur in Africa during WWII

Warmuseum of Bart and Teun Oostvogels
A Tribute to 104th Timberwolf division liberated Achtmaal

My Project Canadian Involvement In WWII

Dad's War Finding and Telling Your Dad's World

Icelandic Defense Force

Mesothelioma.com Veterans Advocate Veteran's Blog

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Debt of Honour Register
This site lists personal and service detals for members of the Commonwealth who died during WWI and WWII, as well as 60,000 civiian who died in the Second World War. You can go and search the register for names of friends, family or anyone that you need to find out about. The names are taken from gravesites in around 150 countries.

European DirectoryLook under Society and Culture, then History for sites about the war.

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